
First time ordering Campus Cookies: I AM SO HAPPY. terrible day made 100 times better with delicious cookies. Thank you so much!
Sarah Morales Sep 12, 2012
I LOVE campus cookies! My fav for sure!
Cason, like Mason with a C Sep 11, 2012
Why have coffe to pull all-nighters when you can have cookies?!
Lindsay Cruey Aug 28, 2012
What better way to welcome new roommates than with a batch of warm cookies with icing delivered to the townhouse! Here\\\'s to a great start to the year!
Kim Ruth Aug 27, 2012
I love you guys I wish u would never close
mary goff Aug 27, 2012
Hope you guys have a good spring break! We will miss you!
Liz Mar 1, 2012
You guys make my romantic night with my boyfriend even MORE perfect. Thank you
Amanda Cogar Feb 22, 2012
i’m pretty sure all of my flex money goes towards campus cookies... #sorrynotsorry #addicted :)
Haylee Walker Feb 20, 2012

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